Combined Building and Pest Inspections

The Combined Building and Pest Inspection we offer is the most popular of all the services we provide.

Often our clients are very pushed for time when they require an inspection, particularly when the property is going to be purchased through an auction.Combined Building and Pest Inspection Decisions have to be made quickly, but the more informed the potential purchaser can be in relation to the condition of the property, then the easier it is to make a decision. That’s why having such a professional inspection prior to the sale is so important.

When you select our Combined Building and Pest Inspection in Melbourne, we send out an inspector, to undertake the Building Inspection and to carry out the Termite Inspection.

Our combined building and pest inspection gets the most value from your property

As soon as we receive your instructions, we will make all the arrangements with either the vendors direct or their estate agent, so that we can gain immediate access to the property. Whilst it is perfectly okay for you to be present during the inspection process, we would prefer that you hold back from discussing any aspect with our inspectors whilst they are undertaking their work. Any distractions could mean that they might overlook a possible defect in the property while conducting this building and pest inspection!

All our inspectors are fully and adequately insured against Public Liability and Professional Indemnity risks. Furthermore, each and every inspection we undertake fully complies with the relevant Australian Standards 4349.1 and 4349.3.

As soon as we complete each building inspection and pest, the inspector will contact you by telephone and give you a brief outline of the results. This is followed up with a fully detailed report with photographs, which we will email to you within 24 hours of the completed inspection.

Property inspection being completed

Feel free to contact our office any time at 0401 134 333 or alternatively, email us directly on where we will be more than happy to answer any queries. Call us for top building and pest inspections Melbourne has to offer.